Be seen. Be heard.
All potential but no power. Read on to discover why we're backing young people globally and campaigning with British Youth Council to extend the voting age to 16 years in the UK.
Our Global Campaign Partnership
We’ve always operated outside of the beauty industry, seeking change where other brands saw risks. We are not afraid to challenge the status quo and to find the right solutions. This is not our first rodeo.
We’re launching a global campaign to amplify youth voices in public life. The UN Secretary-General has identified working with and for young people as one of the organisation’s top priorities. We’ll be working in partnership with the Office of the Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth. They are global advocates for addressing the needs and rights of young people around the world.
In partnership with The United Nations, we have launched with the release of a joint report, ‘Be Seen Be Heard: Understanding young people’s political participation’. The report is a snapshot at a critical moment to understand preconceptions and structural barriers preventing young people from participating in public life, along with recommendations to address these challenges for the benefit of societies around the world. The report includes findings from the largest-ever survey carried out by The Body Shop in December 2021, covering 26 countries with 27,043 respondents in total, over half of which were under age 30.
British Youth Council Partnership
Every day decisions are made about the future of our planet and the communities who call it home, but without the right to vote young people have no voice, and no power in shaping the world they will inherit.
We want to change this. That’s why we’re campaigning with the British Youth Council to extend the voting age in the UK general elections to 16 years for the next three years.
The British Youth Council (founded over 70 years go) empower young people aged 25 and under across the UK to have a say and be heard, and to create social and political change. They support young people to get involved in their communities and democracy locally, nationally and internationally, making a difference as volunteers, campaigners, decision-makers and leaders.
Join the conversation
Young people deserve to be involved in conversations about their future. Our Twitter channel @thebodyshopsg will be the space for real-time opinions, thoughts, and updates on the campaign.
Have your say - do you agree with votes at 16?
Tell us what you think @thebodyshopsg
Using hashtags: #VotesAt16 and #BeSeenBeHeard
How you can help
For lasting and systemic change, we want to change legislation in the UK. We must continue to fight for our voice to be heard more than once.We can all put in the work and raise our voices. If you want to support us in this campaign, we’ve created these strong downloadable social posts for you to share with the people you know.
Simply click the link to download and copy paste the caption (these are only guidance’s, feel free to tweak).
What are we doing?
We’ve always operated outside of the beauty industry, seeking change where other brands saw risks. We are not afraid to challenge the status quo and to find the right solutions. This is not our first rodeo. We’ve launched a global campaign to amplify youth voices in public life and a UK campaign to extend the voting age to 16 & 17-year olds.