Anita campaigningAnita campaigning

Welcome to Activism HQ

Where changemakers get to work

“Get informed. Get outraged. Get inspired. Get active.” Dame Anita Roddick

“Get informed. Get outraged. Get inspired. Get active.” Dame Anita Roddick


What we do

We are a brand that fights social and environmental injustice. We have a full time activism team at HQ and local teams around the world dedicated to planning what, where and how we campaign.

We want to change the system, so wherever possible we focus our energy on a change in law or policy. We harness the majestic power of our collective around the world to get there.

Find out how we create change and what we fight for.

The woman who gave us our courage

Read about our fearless founder, Dame Anita Roddick, and why she’s in everything we do.

Women with megaphone

Why we do it

We do it because we were founded on the core belief that business must be a force for good. It drives everything we do and we’re pretty good at it. In 35 years, we’ve helped eradicate animal testing in the cosmetics industry in Europe, championed the changing of laws on domestic violence and brought awareness and funding to the HIV crisis. We’ve campaigned against human trafficking, the burning of the rainforest and human rights abuses in the Niger Delta. Find out what else we’ve campaigned on.

Pretty good going for a brand that sells shampoo.

What can you bring to the fight?

Everybody has an activist talent. A superpower that helps in any cause. What’s yours?

Two faces juxtaposition

Join the fight

Our activism would be nothing without you. We need the energy, grit and courage of our collective who see injustice and demand change.

No two changemakers are built the same. Loud or quiet. Big or small. Gentle or tough. There’s a place for everyone in all of our campaigns.

We’re launching a global Be Seen. Be Heard campaign to amplify youth voices in public life. Discover why it’s so important to us.


“So now it’s over to you – it’s your turn to weave the stories of the next generation and make the impossible come true.”

Dame Anita Roddick