Q: What is CBD?
A: CBD is an acronym for cannabidiol. It is one of many compounds called cannabinoids that are extracted from the cannabis sativa plant, also known as hemp, for their many different benefits.
Q: Does CBD cause a high?
A: Nope. CBD is a compound that will not make you feel high. The compound that does is called THC, and it’s a psychoactive cannabinoid (fancy name for a chemical that makes you feel intoxicated). Some cannabis plants will have a high concentration of CBD and little THC – and vice versa. But CBD products are usually THC-free, or it’s only present in trace amounts.
Q: Do these CBD range products have medical benefits?
A: No. Our CBD skincare products have no medical benefits. They don’t relieve emotional and physical stress. Nor will they heal any skin diseases (such as eczema or psoriasis).
Q: What’s the difference between cannabis, hemp and marijuana?
A: You’re not the only one to wonder this. Some people think marijuana and hemp are the same. But they’re actually two different species of cannabis.