Benefits of self-massage

Close up shot of woman's legsClose up shot of woman's legs

What are the benefits of self-massage?

With the world in a constant state of flux, we could all do with more calm. Think back to when you last had a massage. You probably felt a release of tension, you might even have had a blast of energy.

Model wearing pink sports bra applying oil to arms

So, what is self-massage? It’s a massage where you get all those benefits from the comfort of your home (or anywhere else). You can start to actively show real appreciation for yourself and get on board with your self-love journey.

So, why does the power of massage make us feel so good? It turns out that touching our skin releases the natural oxytocin love hormone. Self-massage helps increase our dopamine and serotonin levels which means a boost to our happy ‘feel-good’ hormones. It can also help drop levels of our natural stress hormone cortisol and lower our heart rate and blood pressure.

How to self-massage

massage as a self love ritual

Woman applying body scrub to back